Um intelectual comunista na periferia do capitalismo

Gildo Marçal Brandão e sua atuação na 'esquerda positiva'


  • George Gomes Coutinho Universidade Federal Fluminense


Gildo Marçal Brandão, Partido Comunista Brasileiro, Democracia


The relationship between Gildo Marçal Brandão and the Brazilian Communist Party developed in two directions that resulted in one singular synthesis. The first lineament of this relationship with the PCB is political: Brandão was an organic member of the Brazilian Communist Party for part of his life. The second contact between Brandão and the PC was demarcated by the analytical interest delimited by the Social Sciences. Precisilely this last style of approach, where the political scientist and the professional analyst work together, guided us to understand the constitutive dilemas and ambiguities in the Brazilian Communist Party. Around these ambiguities Brandão divided the Party in two fronts: the first is what he nammed as “positive”, the “right wing” of the Party, focused in the institutional struggle, contrasting with the other side, the insurretional group, critical of the “parliamentary cretinism” and the electoral competition. Our aim in this article is to show the political-partidary insertion of Brandão as an activist, a moment in his biography that precedes his professional analysis of the Communist Party. Our hypothesis is that many of the activist's positions moves into the political scientist's analysis of Brazilian left in the 20th century. In this work two issues will be highlighted: the political activism as an intellectual worker of the Brazilian Communist Party and its adherence to what himself called, in his professional analysis, the "right wing of the Communist Party".

