Uma análise dos efeitos da crise sanitária sobre o cotidiano de mulheres com filhos pequenos

entre a gestão pública do caos e a administração da vida privada no olho do furacão



Coronavírus, pandemia, isolamento social, maternidade


In this study we investigated the impacts of the coronavirus health crisis on the daily lives of the population living in the Região Metropolitana da Grande Vitória (RMGV). The absence of centralized actions at the federal level and the ineffectiveness of the measures implemented at the state level with control measures of the spread of the disease lead to an extension of the time of uncontrolled circulation of the virus and the transfer of responsibility for preventing contagion at the individual level. We will analyze the effects of the new coronavirus (Sars-Cov-2) health crisis on the daily lives of families with young children, based on data obtained in 12 interviews conducted between July and August 2020 with mothers of children between 1 and 5 years old, economically active or in the process of re-entering the labor market. The survey results reveal significant changes in their living conditions, incomes, routines, work demands (paid or unpaid) and circulation. In view of the prolongation of the health crisis and the loosening of state measures to deal with the pandemic, we observe that the prevention of contagion is procedurally transferred to the individual responsibility of the citizen, resulting in economic, social and psychological consequences, in addition to greater progressive exposure to the disease.

Author Biography

  • Sâmela Pedrada Cardoso, Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo

    Mestra em Administração pela Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, integrante do Grupo de Estudos de Simbolismo e Práticas Organizacionais (GESIP) do Programa de Pós Graduação em Administração da UFES (PPGADM). Possui interesse de pesquisa em Estudos Organizacionais, Práticas Organizativas, Cidades, Parentalidade e Infância. Atualmente é servidora no Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo e mãe da Elis.

